Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Daily Wisdom

 ‘With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.’ Mt 19:26

As Jesus spoke with the rich young man concerning his efforts of salvation being as if a camel passed through the eye of a needle, it caused the disciples to question who then could be saved. Jesus was clarifying that no man can come to Father except through Him. Making what is otherwise impossible, possible. The disciples were sure that a rich man had favor; Jesus illustrates that the Father’s favour is upon all men, rich or poor who seek Him. 

Yet, man often stops fully relying on the Father after their salvation and try to manage their own lives going forward. So much of our life is exposed to failures, hardships, regrets, and pain that we never had to endure if we would’ve continued to rely on Him that saved us.  Those impossible moments we faced with our own strength could’ve been made possible with a continued reliance on the Father. Remember, what got you right is what keeps you right. 

As difficult as it is, a camel kneels before his master to remove its burden, so must we… HSAY 

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