Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Subdued Sins"

He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”  Micah 7:19

HE will turn again” – He who seemed to be turned from us when we turned away from Him.
Promises He will return and “subdue, or trample under foot” (Joel 2:14), our worst enemy and more so our “iniquities” as He so promised in Rom 16:20 “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly…” While sin has mastery over us and subdues man as a fierce tyrant (Rom 7:14), it weighs down the spirit of man in bondage; it is our Lord who will subdue sin.  By way of the Gospel, God says He will subdue sin as it was our footstool. Such promise bestows a double cure, saves us from sins guilt and frees us from its power over us; all by…”the grace of God, which was with me.” (1 Cor 15:10)

And will cast all sins into the depth of the sea.” – Not, some (man would be impious to expect half a pardon from God) but all sin cast into the sea.  1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  As the passage of the Red Sea, there was not one Egyptian who was able to pursue and subdue one of God’s children.  Likewise each of our sins are sunken into the depths of the ocean, not to surface unless revived by us, not as condemnation, but only as weights to beset us in our walk with God.  Yet, on Judgment Day, they will be cast into an eternal abyss never to return again.


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