Monday, March 31, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."What's on your Mind"

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promisedHeb 10:23

What keeps your mind on track?  We’re all familiar with the friendly question or gesture…”What’s on your mind?” But this can be a very important question and not one to be taken so lightly.  The mind can be illustrated by using the image of a train. Consider a train car of our “Thoughts” that are hitched to a car of “Emotions”, which is hitched to a car of “Hope”, which is all attached to the engine of “Faith.” It would work like this…the engine that pulls the mind in a given direction is Faith, always wanting to pull you towards what is a trustworthy and wholesome destination to believe in.  Hitched to the engine of Faith is the car of Hope; if our engine of Faith is pulling us towards a destination that appears promising (near of distant future) we feel Hopeful.  Right behind the car of Hope is the car of Emotions and like life our emotions fall right behind our level of hope and directly affect our attitude and hope towards our destination.  Then the last car is our conscious Thoughts, those things that occupy our mind at the moment. If we are Hopeful then our Emotions are happy and the outcomes of our Thoughts are enthusiastic.  However, most people ride in the cars of Emotions and Thoughts rather than the Engine of Faith.  So when we find ourselves like Martha, “troubled about many things” (Lk 10:41) we have to realize we have a directional issue.  Meaning we are not in the Faith car, thus our cars of Emotions and Thoughts are directing our path instead. That’s why the Bible addresses our emotional and thoughtful state by directing our minds towards Faith; “…think on these things” (Phl 4:8). That’s why Bible reading and prayer are so important, it directs our Engine of Faith in the right direction based on a promised Hope, not our Emotions and Thoughts.  If you’ve lost Hope, make sure you’re riding in the right car and not seated in your Emotions and Thoughts.


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