Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Daily Wisdom..."Stand Forth"

Mark 3:3 “…Stand forth.”

As Christ speaks to a man with a withered hand, He challenges him to “stand forth”, meaning to awaken from a state of unawareness (mental/spiritual sleep) and enter into (physically/emotionally) the midst and presence of Christ, or, as in Luke, "rise up and stand forth in the midst" (Lk 6:8).  For the Jews in the time of Jesus, the Sabbath was more than just a matter of obedience to rules.  Sabbath observance was regarded as a way to honor the holiness of Yahweh (Ex 20:8-11; Deut 5:12-15).  Its observance made Israel distinct as a nation, bolstered Jewish identity over others, and served as a defense against assimilation to pagan culture.  Yet, the real and often hidden danger of rigid legalism is that it can delude one into thinking that God is satisfied when one is a stickler for religious details, even if one is merciless to others…Devotion to principle can grossly outweigh spiritual and physical concern for others, as the ensuing plot against Jesus revealed. We’ve heard the term “stand up and be counted”, be wise concerning what you choose to “stand forth” in and make sure it’s not just for a traditional headcount of your presence. Sadly one can be in attendance or in the presence of  religious gatherings and yet not in the midst of Christ.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."


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