Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem…”  Ezra 4:24

We often learn, like Zerubbabel, our efforts in life cannot consist of God handling the minor while we manage the major.  When Babylon was defeated in 539 B.C., the Persian ruler, Cyrus, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple.  Under Zerubbabel they began not by laying the city walls or constructing government buildings, but by rebuilding the altar, worshiping God together, and celebrating a feast. Zerubbabel established a spiritual foundation, not a personal or selfish desire for their building efforts.  But soon problems arose.  An older group remembered Solomon’s glorious Temple and was saddened at how much smaller and less glorious this one was; it was not as they wanted it!  Selfish discouragement and desire, along with fear, caused the work to grind to a halt. The people went to their homes, and 16 years passed as people quit laboring for God simply because they became focused on themselves rather than God’s will!

Selfishness is the art of creating your own storms, then complaining when it rains!


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