Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“And they gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy…wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?”  Num 16:3

Of the eight most common bird species throughout all regions of the U.S., the most common is the “Sparrow.”  It should not be surprising that we are told…of the two sparrows, "one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Mat 10:29 & 31).  Yet such a promise was not enough for the likes of Korah, one of Israel’s and Moses leaders, he wanted more.  Korah instigated his own mini-rebellion and confronted Moses and Aaron. Their list of complaints boils down to three statements: (1) You are no better than anyone else; (2) everyone in Israel has been chosen of the Lord; (3) we don't need to obey you. It is amazing to see how Korah twisted the first two statements—both true—to reach a selfish conclusion.  Korah's hidden claim was this: "I have as much right to lead as Moses does." His error cost him not only his job—a position of service and influence for God that he enjoyed—but also his life.  Korah's life gives us numerous warnings:
(1) Don't let desire for what someone else has make you discontented with what you already have.
(2) Don't try to raise your own self-esteem by attacking someone else's.
(3) Don't use part of God's Word to support what you want, rather than allowing it to shape you.  
(4) Don't expect to find satisfaction in power and position; God will work through you where He has you.
Korah failed to realize the significant position God placed him in and allowed greed/selfishness to blind him instead.

Desire is the pulse of the soul, as a doctor offers diagnosis by ones appetite, so may we by our desires.


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