Lord hath appeared of old unto me saying, yea, I loved thee with an everlasting
love…” Jere 31:3
All that our Heavenly Father does is motivated
by an everlasting, perpetual and eternal love that will never dry up. There has never been a time His
loving-kindness has not prevailed, He knew before we were even formed in our mother’s
womb; His loved existed (Jere 1:5). The Father’s
love has always existed and always will, yet it cannot be obtained, gathered or
even earned, it’s to be experienced. This is why Paul prayed in Eph
3:17-19 “…that,
ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints
what is the breadth, and length, and depth and height of Christ’s love which
passeth knowledge…” Paul is pleading for our experience of God’s love, not
our knowledge towards it. For it to be rooted in the fabric of our being and experienced,
not intellectually understood. A ceremonial
marriage can intellectually exemplify a relationship, but does not define the
love of a relationship. As His children, we access the Father through our faith
and in doing so the greatest reward is received by those who diligently seek
Him (Heb 11:6).
That great reward…His eternal love!