Friday, March 6, 2015

Daily Wisdom

So they…made Rehoboam, the son of Solomon strong, three years: for three years they walked in the way of David and Solomon.” 2 Chro 11:17

It only took three years for Rehoboam to turn from his persistence in God, which in turn left him and Jerusalem in the hands of Egypt.  The faithful Canaanite woman demonstrated more persistence in one conversation with Jesus than Rehoboam did in three years. 

Persistence pays – As Jesus passed by, the Canaanite women cried out, “Have mercy on me, O Lord,”  She clearly knew who Jesus was and heard of His healings and miracles, causing her to boldly cry out for His healing and blessings on her daughter who was possessed, knowing He would do so if she could just get His attention.  But she was challenged by being a Canaanite, gentile; and according to the disciples was only making a scene and requested Jesus to send her away quickly. But the women grew in here persistence.  No longer content with crying out, she got before His feet and knelt, saying, “Lord, help me.”  And again, she did not get the immediate response she desired, only to be questioned by Jesus instead.  And by way of her great humility in the Lord, that even though the words of choice seemed harsh, “labeled a dog” (used for gentiles), her faith knew even the gentiles had access to dine with the Saviour as well, even it be the crumbs that fell to the floor.  It was this great faith in persistence that impressed Jesus and brought healing for her daughter.  That which got you right (Christ), is what will keep you right!

“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through power, but through persistence.”


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