“Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of
the world, and not after Christ.” Col 2:8
legal doesn’t make it right!
battles taking place today over abortion and homosexuality “rights” brings to
mind an earlier battle that took place in our society. Many of us, being from the South, as well as
a nation remember a mind-set among racial bigots in the 50’s and 60’s. It was a mind-set of intensely, and sometimes
violently, demanding the laws of segregation stay in place. Why was that? Well deep-seated in the sinful nature of
every man is a sense of fear that he might be wrong in God’s eyes. There is no doubt discrimination and
segregation where a great evil. It contaminated
our culture and poisoned our society. Yet
there was an impassioned plea to maintain the laws, because of the belief, “If
it’s legal it’s right.” The law “legitimized” evil.
are seeing this same mind-set again rear its ugly head in our society; many
secularist of influence today are trying to codify their beliefs in such issues
as abortion and homosexuality. They feel
that if they can institute the right public policy or institute the right law,
it will make their beliefs legitimate. They
have confused their legal rights with righteousness! They have failed to learn a very important
principle; just because you have or create a right to do something doesn’t mean
it’s the right thing to do (1 Cor 10:23). Don't let legality blind you when it comes to the
reality of God's righteousness.
a hard truth, than a comfortable delusion!
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