Friday, May 22, 2015

Today's Daily Wisdom

Brethern, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example.” Phil 3:17

A Sunday school teacher noticed a young boy sitting on a wall barking out orders to his classmates.  The teacher inquired what he was doing. “I’m being a pastor,” he said. She said in what way?  The little boy said, “I’m doing nothing, and telling everyone else what to do.”  We never know where our shadow falls and who it affects.  Martin Luther cast a long shadow over Germany and Europe that had a great effect on the world. About 500 years later, Adolph Hitler cast a shadow over Germany and Europe that was devastating and evil. Paul encouraged the Philippians to observe and follow his walk in Christ; does your walk cast a shadow worth standing in or to be followed by others?  We all project a shadow that influences others…parent, teacher, coach, co-worker, neighbor or friend.  It is said, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, when you see yourself in others is it a good thing.

There is a strong shadow, where there is much light from the Son!


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