Monday, June 15, 2015

Daily Wisdom

Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”  Lk 12:20

The interesting fact, and yet sad at the same time, is that acquiring enough is rarely acknowledged.  How often do you hear someone say I’ve saved enough, I’ve acquired enough, or I’ve accomplished enough?  Seldom a man who becomes fully content with what he has.  At the same time I’ve never heard anyone facing life’s end who wished they had worked a little more; more so wishing they had appreciated more of what they had been giving.  What is needed for a man to stop looking to build bigger barns and how to fill them?  Planning a life before death is wise, but neglecting life after death is foolish according to Jesus.  Accumulated wealth for the purpose of self enrichment that neglects the eternal is like entering retirement empty handed.  If man would spend as much time planning and investing in their eternal retirement as they do for a 20-30 year temporal retirement they would find true wealth.  Faith, Service and Obedience are the investment tools for the wise; storing up treasures in heaven where nothing can deplete them (Mt 6:20)

Don’t get caught in the cultural trend of amusing yourself to death!


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