Monday, June 8, 2015

Daily Wisdom

“I said in my heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.”  Ecc 2:1

Easily stated Solomon says, go enjoy your pleasures it will prove to be vanity.  Solomon, in his time, explored every pleasure man could obtain.  With his endless wealth he acquired every modern pleasure life offered at the time, only proving to be of no lasting value and stating in vs 11 “Then I looked at all the works my hands had wrought, vanity and vexation of spirit, there was no profit.” Vexation means grasping, a desperate attempt, to find value and worth.  Our society today is looking for good sex, good food and good laugh, because they are little islands of relief in what’s often a very painful existence.  Society approaches pleasure as a coping drug as it relates to reality of life.  And just as medication wears off, so do pleasures causing those in need of relief to search for more. You can contrast Solomon’s fruitless grasp at worth with the parable of the “Rich Fool” in Lk 12 and his self-indulgence.  One must look beyond their pursuits and towards the reason and purpose they fulfill; is your goal in life to search for meaning or to pursue God, who gives meaning?

Seeking pleasure for worth is like chasing the wind with a net.


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