Monday, October 5, 2015

Daily Wisdom

I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?” Job 9:2

The question here asked is, in itself, the most important ever pondered by man - “How shall sinful man be regarded and treated as righteous by his maker?”;  knowing man’s sin is terminal to death (Rom 6:23a).  Yet his eternal happiness, his peace and all his hope, depend on his being treated as if he were righteous, or regarded as just before God. This inquiry has led to all forms of religion; to all the penances and sacrifices of different systems; to all the efforts which have been made to devise some system that shall make it proper for God to treat people as righteous.  This question can only be answered through Christ; the infinite merits of the Redeemer, in that Christ “may be just, and yet the justifier of him that believeth.”  The question asked by Job implies that such is the evidence and the extent of human guilt, that man can never justify himself.  “The greatest enemy to the soul is man’s self-righteous spirit that tries to justify their salvation.” Don’t live your life in trying to write a resume of acceptance for God, instead work it out daily through Christ Jesus; the author and finisher of your faith (Heb 12:2).

God wants a fruitful spirit, not a religious nut.


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