Monday, February 29, 2016

Daily Wisdom

Be ye not as your fathers… (6) But, my words and my statues, which I commanded, did they not take hold of your fathers?...”  Zech 1:4; 6

God’s children held on or possessed everything but the truth and refused to turn towards God. Causing Zechariah to remind them in vs 6, all that God prophesied took hold of their fathers. Be cautious to never hold on to anything stronger than you do Jesus. Life can be compared to going grocery shopping while hungry, enticed to grab what looks good rather than what we need. Know that what you hold to holds you; be it temporal relationships, careers, money or even a ministry can hold you back from what you need to posses the most, Jesus. For the rich young ruler he chose to hold to the wrong possessions (Mt 19) and missed eternal wealth.  The nails did not hold Jesus to the cross, His love for you did.  In the same manner don’t allow the world to hold you, but rather His love for you; it’s your greatest possession.

It takes a lot more effort to hold than it does to be held!


Friday, February 26, 2016

Daily Wisdom

“When I call into remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee…” 2 Tim 1:5

Timothy benefited greatly from his relationships with his mother and grandmother who illustrated to him the strength of their unfeigned (sincere) faith, which even Paul was able to bring into remembrance.  Remember what you want, but if what is remembered is not worth remembering, what’s it worth.  Is your faith/testimony worth remembering? Your life should be able to make non-believers to question and believers to immolate. Lived in a way that your faith is seen as a love letter written by God to the world. The greatest wealth you can leave comes from a “will” that you’re writing every day before others, and though it can’t be spent, it will provide immeasurable worth. What you accomplish becomes history, what you embrace becomes a testimony that is remembered.

Live what you want to leave!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business…” 1 Thess 4:11

You can’t be effective sharing your faith with others if you’re running your mouth about others! It should be desirable to have a calm and quiet spirit. Satan is busy to trouble us; and to stir up our hearts with what disposes us to be unquiet; Paul encourages us… “study to be quiet.”  Unfortunately many Christians are still stuck in elementary concerning this subject. Those who are busy-bodies, meddling in other men's matters, have little quietness in their own minds, and cause great disturbances amongst others.  Be still and it will become clear, notice the word listen contains the same letters for silent! Quiet (still) the mind and the soul will hear, the greatest connection can come with words never spoken.

Form the past is where you learn your lessons and the future is where you apply them; don’t miss the voice of God who teaches you in the middle.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Daily Wisdom

That no man should be moved by these afflictions…” 1 Thess 3:3

Paul had sent Timothy to comfort the church by helping them understand that troubles/afflictions are not always caused by sin or lack of faith. Trials may be a part of God's plan and purpose for believers. Experiencing afflictions can build character (Jas 1:2-4), perseverance (Rom 5:3-5), and offer reassurance to others who are afflicted (2Co 1:3-7). While problems are unavoidable, they may be a sign of effective and purposeful living in Christ. David’s pen never wrote more purposeful words than when dipped in affliction.  God desires progression not perfection, thus without problems we can’t achieve promotion. Know your temporal problems have eternal answers; at your lowest God offers hope; your weakest, strength and your saddest, comfort.

The strength of your faith is not how you appear to others, but how you adhere to God!


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Daily Wisdom

even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.” 1 Thess 2:4

Let God make a servant out of you rather than man making a leader out of you. Paul didn’t speak to gain man’s attention, but to get their attention. He spoke with the love and gentleness of an affectionate mother (vs 8).  Don’t speak in search of favorable opinion; you’re not asked to impress man, but to encourage them in the love of Christ. Those who get mad at the truth are those who are living a lie; God’s word is not to help people feel better about their brokenness, but to show them how to be whole in Christ. Better for truth to cause a tear than a lie to cause a smile.

You’ll be better served having God approve, than the world applaud.   


Friday, February 19, 2016

Daily Wisdom

For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Isa 14:27

A friend of mine made statement the other day, “Reckless pursuit of purpose.” The statement was poignant for his situation, but made me consider the struggles many have in their personal purpose in Christ? The daily challenge comes in failing to find in Christ: the purpose for the pain; strength for the struggle and faith for the fight.  Unfortunately life has personified purpose in success, status, possessions and happiness, these are life’s by-products. Life is about love in and with God that is purposeful towards others. God’s children are ordinary people who have been given an extraordinary purpose, and it was established long before anyone else had an opinion. The Israelites extended an eleven day journey into 4o years; it wasn’t the distance of the Promised Land that was the challenge, it was the condition of their hearts. God’s purpose was deeper than simply transporting them into a “better” life, but into His chosen purpose to bring forth our Saviour. The only purpose we have in life that we can take to heaven is the souls of our family, friends and those that are waiting for us to tell them about the PURPOSE of CHRIST!

The greatest translation of the bible comes from translating it into your life!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Daily Wisdom

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of God.” Psa 92:13

Don’t be skeptical of a day by judging the fruit you see, but rather focus on the seeds you plant. It never rains fruit, if you want to see the fruit you have to plant the trees. It will be watered and God will give the increase (1 Cor 3) and, what was planted, will grow to provide blessings for others. Stop wandering aimlessly in this world trying to find fruit or looking for others to bring forth theirs, plant your own in Jesus and let it flourish in the protection and courts of the Father.  Christianity is illustrated best when Christian’s plant trees in which they will never sit under, but get to see the beauty of its growth. Planting puts faith in tomorrow, the best time to have planted a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time in now!

Bloom where you’re planted, don’t worry about the soil just focus on the seed!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Daily Wisdom

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psa 90:12

My nieces posted a very poignant quote this morning: “Don’t leave this world having let everyone else use you but God.”  We are prone to invest the majority of our time into that which brings about worldly returns. We must be sensitive to the expiration of time, knowing we have limited opportunities to create eternal wisdom and worth. We are encouraged to apply our hearts to wisdom; the first step is realizing how limited time is.  Your time is your greatest resource; it can’t be purchased or saved for future use. Its methodical progress evaporates second by second, thus who has use of it captures the return of it. Who or what conquers your time? The world constantly advertises to capture and utilize every second it can from you, and yet God patiently waits and longs for your time as well, which do you relent to, worldly wealth or wisdom’s wealth?  One form of wealth is fleeting and perishable, while the other is eternal in value.  God has given you a life watch, are you honoring Him by asking how much time you have left, or by consulting the watch and using it to invest wisely. Don’t allow everything to use you, but God!

Don’t be a part-time Christian in need of a full-time God!


Monday, February 15, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.” 1 Sam 18:9

Spurgeon said, “All the preaching in the world cannot make a man to see the truth as long as their eyes are closed.” Sadly too many Christians live their lives with their eyes wide shut.  They are so focused on that around them they are blinded to the truth before them. Saul was more focused on what angered him, rather than what would help him. Psa 121 “I will lift up mine eyes into the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord…” What our eyes (mind) focus on our heart will ponder thus creating a will to act. We’re vulnerable to anything catching our eye thus our heart; we must guard our heart by focusing our eye on the Lord.  David was not Saul’s problem, but the distraction satan had him set his eye on, and kept it there (from that day and forward). Oh the beauty and blessings we’ve missed in this life, which God has passed before us, all because we were missed focused. Know direction comes from the eye; where are you headed?

Our eyes need to learn to listen before they look.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Daily Wisdom

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” 2 Tim 2:4

Prepare yourself for battle, but let God do the fighting; it’s His battle not yours if you chose to get Him in it (1 Sam 17:47). Your efforts to walk in the righteousness of God is an enduring battle; satan want fight you while your sinning, only when you’re trying to get out of it. “Know that the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (2 Cor 10.4) Don’t grow worrisome in your battle and ask God to simply change your circumstances, instead turn them into worship and watch Him turn your battles into blessings. Paul illustrated to Timothy the comparison of soldiers and athletes who conditioned and disciplined themselves to sacrifice for what was worthy to fight for.  Battles are typically not for the faint of heart, it requires you to be warrior not a worrier. The greatest battle you’ll face is Faith vs Fear; requiring you stand in the former in order to conquer the latter. Don’t get blinded by a battle and fail to realize God has already won the war.

You can’t make the same mistake twice, the second time it’s a choice.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Daily Wisdom

Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” Psa 141:3

Be cautious in speaking what you think, you can’t always be trusted with telling God’s truth over your feelings. James wrote that "the tongue is a flame of fire” (Jam 3:6). On the average, a person opens their mouths approximately 700 times a day to speak. It’s said a narrow mind and a wide mouth go together; exposing the tongue and revealing a taste of their heart. David knew in his situation to resist, refuse to do what others might seem to justify in their efforts to escape their circumstances. He wisely asked God to keep him from speaking evil—even as he underwent persecution. Jesus himself was silent before his accusers (Mat 26:63). Silence can offer great strength, and can never be misquoted; “it causes others to only question your foolishness rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.”  David, knowing all this, he resolved to hear their reproach rather than voicing himself in a wrong response. He accepted their criticism and reproof as kindness and fine oil (vs 5). A quiet person does not illustrate a quiet mind, rather a peaceful soul.  As Jesus stood before both the high priest and Pilate being slandered for His ministry, He was threatened to declare He was the Christ.  He responded in both cases…”Thou sayest.”  Great peace required to say so little!

Speaking and Silence…one I’ve never regretted doing!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Daily Wisdom

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than man, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” 1 Cor 1:25

God’s plan for your life is better than what you’ve been working on. As much you plan God has a way of surprising you, sometimes He delays you where you are because He knows there’s a storm brewing where you’re headed. This is God’s will, it over comes your past and provides a way for tomorrow. Like Zacchaeus, were you come up short God has already planted the tree you’ll need. He knows where you are at this moment and has allowed it; it’s not about understanding His wisdom, but living in the trust and faith of His will.  When you’re hurting know God is still working in your life, He restores what is broken (Joel 2:25). Don’t fear what the future holds; find your strength in the One who holds it. God’s wisdom far exceeds your circumstances, thus allow them to direct you, correct you and perfect you in Him.

“Your life is not falling apart, it’s falling into place.”


Monday, February 8, 2016

Daily Wisdom

He delighteth not in the strength of the horse; he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.” Psa 147:10-11

The horse in amongst the noblest of all the creations of God (Job 39:19-25) and man, whom God gave dominion over such creations, even greater; and yet God takes no pleasure in either’s strength or physical accomplishment. Instead His pleasure is found in our ability to humble ourselves to His will and place our hope in His mercy and love. Your strengths and gifts are God’s favour towards you, such acknowledgment and use of them is your gift to God.  If in your humility you reduce yourself to God being your only hope, you’ve found your greatest strength. Fear only that which has no fear of God

Obedience is the evidence of true fear.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And he (Saul) went thither to Naioth, and the Spirit of God was upon him also and he prophesied (praised)…before Samuel in like manner.” 1 Sam 19:23 & 22

Saul was more apt to hold onto his emotions than he was the truth.  Twice he was caught up in praising God, the first time was (ch. 10) right after he was anointed king and didn’t want to accept the responsibility. This time he was consumed with jealousy to kill over David's favor with the people, when God consumes his heart in order to hinder his actions. If what you feel, and what God’s word/will says are two different things, change your thinking!  Praise without God’s purpose is like singing to the music but missing the lyrics. Know that the power and purpose in praising God is for what He has done for you, not how you feel about it; what you emotionally fall into, you’ll emotionally fall out of.  Your life in Christ is to be purposefully powerful, not emotionally easy.

Emotions are like waves; you can’t keep them from coming but you can decide which ones to surf.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And the evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hands.” 1 Sam 19:9

Interesting choice of instruments between Saul and David; Saul chose a javelin, while David played a harp.  It was Saul’s jealously against David that lead to his choice. David's troubles not only immediately follow his triumphs, but arise from them; such is the vanity of him (Saul) which looks to be served rather than serve. It is said that idle hands are the devil’s play things, obviously David’s hands were busy serving, thus satan had no access to them; were as Saul’s hands succumbed to grasping a javelin in order to kill (1 Sam 18:11).  As a musician, whose hands are callous from serving others through their music, Jesus hands were scared from serving you.  What are your hands holding, Saul’s were destructive; make sure it’s something worth giving to others? If not, let it go!

That, which you hold on to, has a hold on you.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

And David went out whithersoever Saul sent him, and behaved himself wisely: and Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people…” 1 Sam 18:5

C.S. Lewis states: “When we as Christians behave badly or fail to behave well, we make Christianity unbelievable to an outside world.”  God has not called you to fit in, but to invite others in (1 Pt 2:9).  You do that by showing a smile over your sorrow, love in place of your anger and hope in spite of your hurt. Remember, your beliefs don’t make you a better person; your behavior does. Relationships, yours with God included, never die a natural death. They're always murdered by your attitude, behavior, pride or ignorance…you’re always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.

The center of sin and pride is “I”; behave wisely and you’ll be the center of the only “eye” that matters, God’s.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Daily Wisdom

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psa 34:4

Goliath was not always a giant, as with most struggles we face in our lives your fear and lack of faith feeds your giant and stimulates its growth; they become giants and hinder your faith and ability to respond righteously.  You have to see them as vessels of faith and fill them with the all-sufficiency of Christ. Great things are possible for the person who has hope, even greater things for the person with faith.  And still more is possible for the person who understands Christ love for them.  But, for the person who utilizes and practices all three, nothing is impossible.  It was David’s great faith, hope and love in God that allowed him to face his giant; not the deliverance from it that offers us promise of deliverance in facing our giants with the faith, hope and love in Christ.

Don’t pray for safety from danger in a storm, pray for deliverance from fear to face the storm.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Daily Wisdom

And he took his staff in hand and chose five smooth stones out of the brook…and his sling was in hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.” 1 Sam 17:40

Ever consider why David selected five stones and yet only needed one?  David was prepared to face a full battle (5 stones), but God delivered him victory with the need of only one stone. It’s like the two farmers who both prayed for rain but only one tilled his soil, who prepared in faith?  What giant/s are you facing? Israel had no interest in facing theirs, they were dismayed and greatly afraid (vs 11). The difference between David and the army of Israel was this: it’s not what you’ve got, but what you use that makes the difference. David and Goliath had something in common, both had great confidence; but the difference was David’s confidence was in God and not his own strength. You don’t overcome your giants with giant steps, but rather with faithful steps in a giant God.

All David had was faith and a rock…and he defeated his giant; all you need is faith in the Rock…to defeat yours.