Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Daily Wisdom

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psa 34:4

Goliath was not always a giant, as with most struggles we face in our lives your fear and lack of faith feeds your giant and stimulates its growth; they become giants and hinder your faith and ability to respond righteously.  You have to see them as vessels of faith and fill them with the all-sufficiency of Christ. Great things are possible for the person who has hope, even greater things for the person with faith.  And still more is possible for the person who understands Christ love for them.  But, for the person who utilizes and practices all three, nothing is impossible.  It was David’s great faith, hope and love in God that allowed him to face his giant; not the deliverance from it that offers us promise of deliverance in facing our giants with the faith, hope and love in Christ.

Don’t pray for safety from danger in a storm, pray for deliverance from fear to face the storm.


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