Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Daily Wisdom

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psa 90:12

My nieces posted a very poignant quote this morning: “Don’t leave this world having let everyone else use you but God.”  We are prone to invest the majority of our time into that which brings about worldly returns. We must be sensitive to the expiration of time, knowing we have limited opportunities to create eternal wisdom and worth. We are encouraged to apply our hearts to wisdom; the first step is realizing how limited time is.  Your time is your greatest resource; it can’t be purchased or saved for future use. Its methodical progress evaporates second by second, thus who has use of it captures the return of it. Who or what conquers your time? The world constantly advertises to capture and utilize every second it can from you, and yet God patiently waits and longs for your time as well, which do you relent to, worldly wealth or wisdom’s wealth?  One form of wealth is fleeting and perishable, while the other is eternal in value.  God has given you a life watch, are you honoring Him by asking how much time you have left, or by consulting the watch and using it to invest wisely. Don’t allow everything to use you, but God!

Don’t be a part-time Christian in need of a full-time God!


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