Thursday, September 14, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.1 Jn 3:2 

Christians fail to understand why and how the image of Jesus is to work in their life. We are called to be His reflection/image to a lost and hurting world (Col 3:10-17). What a powerful motivation this should be to become like Him now! Accept your circumstances, stop quarreling with God over them, and begin in everything to give thanks for allowing such instruments of God’s grace to do their work in your life for others to see the eternal hope you have in Jesus. When you choose to respond or live out your circumstances in Christ-likeness, others are given the opportunity to see their hope in Jesus as well (vs 3).  Your purpose, as sons of God, is to reflect the image of Jesus upon the world; not a self-reflection.  Unfortunately, the world is hard pressed to find Jesus underneath all the make-up, hair styling, clothing, self-promotion and selfishness in most cases. “Christians” are prone to berate the world and accuse them for not being like them, in too many cases that’s good because the Christian isn’t like Jesus; but, maybe the issue for the world is the fact they can’t see past or in the believers any imagery of hope, thus preventing the world from seeing what they really need to see… Jesus!

The world doesn’t need to hear you’re a Christian, they need to see you’re a Christian!

HSAY… Todd

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