Eph 1:11 “In
whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined in him who worketh
all things after the counsel of his own will.”
If one truly understood God’s sovereignty, that He has the authoritative
final say according to his will, would it not be wise to go ahead and give him
the first say! Knowing God was in control during histories darkest hour, at the
cross, know He’s as well in control at your darkest hour. It’s the Father’s
divine intervention that directs all things, animate and inanimate, seen and unseen,
good and evil towards His eternal purpose. Meaning His will prevails. So, what
appears as a problem to us, is also purposeful for us or God would not permit
it. Instead of a river, God may provide us a brook, which may be running today
and dried up tomorrow. Why? To teach us not to rest in our blessings, but in
the blesser Himself! If God’s not
sovereign He’s Not The God, just another god that can be worshiped, but not
counted on! (1 Kg 18:27). While we do
have free will and with it determine our own choice, we don’t determine the
results. That belongs solely to the divine will of the Father.
When you go through struggles, the sovereignty of God is the
pillow upon which to lay your head!
HSAY… Todd
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