Friday, March 30, 2018

Daily Wisdom

1 Cor 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it sis the power of God.”

Good Friday… is not just a day of remembrance, but a calling.  We’re eager to embrace the resurrection, but Jesus called us to the Cross first. There’s a famous sermon preached by many titled “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.”  Most importantly is the fact that Friday is the road to Sunday.  There’s no resurrection without the Cross, but because of the Cross we’re promised a Good Friday. When God feels distant, when cries seem to fall in silence the Cross is what bridges your emotional needs. Reflect on the cost of the Cross and the ultimate act of friendship and love. The Cross showed His vulnerability and commitment to His love and friendship. Friends always let you in and lever let you go, they always have time and never let you down. In Jesus’s greatest act of love and friendship His hands were secured, and He was defenseless. As He looked down from the Cross and saw all the people denying Him, betraying Him, forsaking Him, and rejecting Him, in the greatest act of love and friendship, HE STAYED!

You’ll miss the goodness of His love and friendship if you miss the Goodness of Friday!

“The only crown-wearers in heaven will be the cross-bearers here below.”

HSAY… Todd

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