“... for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7
Self-destruction occurs when measuring your worth using the world’s ruler. Samuel himself fell into the trap of measuring the potential worth of Eliab by worldly standards. Prompting God to remind Samuel it’s the heart that matters, and the heart can’t be measured by man (Jere 17:9). God always works from the inside out, don’t be distracted by the appearance one wraps himself in; charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting (Pro 31:30). While the world says show me something worth measuring, God says trust me and I’ll show you something you can’t measure. The value of a God filled heart is not the stature it’s wrapped in, but in the love and beauty it reveals in Christ. When you learn to start looking at the heart rather than the face, you’ll start seeing with more clarity what God sees. Unfortunately the heart is self-possessive thus God can’t do anything with it until you chose to give it to him, and not the world.
The only measuring you should do is your heart to God’s, seeing if it beats after the same thing.
HSAY… Todd
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