“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind.” Eph 4:17
We all remember the walk-a-thon’s we had as kids to raise money for different programs. The real enjoyment of it was who you’re walking with. Now as Christians we are charged by Paul to make sure we’re not walking simply out of enjoyment but rather out of purpose for our spiritual health. In the end God isn’t going to say, “Well done good and successful servant,” but “Well done good and faithful servant.” Every man to a degree walks in a vain show; the mind of man is naturally vain, and whoever walks according to the dictates of it, walks vainly: the phrase is expressive of the emptiness of the mind; it being naturally destitute of God, of the knowledge, fear, and grace of God; and of Jesus. Solomon himself emphasised that life that is not in step with God is “vanity of vanities, all is vanity” (Ecc 1:2) This points to the instability of the mind, in which sense man at his best estate was altogether vanity concerning the folly, falsehood and wickedness in imaginations due to our fallen state. And all lies in vain things, as worldly riches, honors and the ways and efforts in which they are earned. Like the gentiles of Ephesus we too can become vain in philosophy and idolatry of which leads to a self-guided walk. Paul clarifies by stating “henceforth walk not as other gentiles” though it may not have been with the onset of your salvation but irregardless, henceforth walk with him who is the best of company, enjoyment and health to your soul. Don’t use the excuse “I’m human” to walk in the flesh, but rather “I’m saved” to walk in the spirit. You walk in the spirit, and God will work through the flesh.
Talk with God, no breath is lost. Walk with God, no strength is lost. Wait for God, no time is lost. Faith in all three and you’ll never be lost.
HSAY… Todd
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