Thursday, March 9, 2017

Daily Wisdom

Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.”  Acts 9:31

There is a place for strategic church planning and vision (Pro 29:18), and they are wise stewardship.  But they cannot equal or generate the astonishing outcome illustrated by the church in Acts.  You’ll never find within the scriptures man-made strategic planning for church growth. But, you’ll find the answer to their growth that brought a multiplier greater than any modern church has ever seen. The “fear of the Lord” and the “Holy Spirit.”  In the fear of the Lord, they were teachable, humble, grateful and eternally focused. They were void of self-assurance, pride, arrogance and worldliness. They were willing to submit to the Lord’s wisdom and will. In the Holy Spirit, they were gladdened, felt forgiven, strengthened and found reconciliation with both God and others. They saw with clarity Jesus being greater than their sins and failures, and knew they were loved. The had openness in a know-it-all world, peace amongst an angry world and hope against hopelessness. In such assurances and strength the godless world had no answer for their peculiar (1 Pt 2:9) hope. No, they may not have had implemented strategic goals, but they did implement and share the “fear” and “power” of God before the people and it turned the world upside down. Church growth takes planning, but church multiplication takes a miracle, and that’s God area of expertise. Remember peace and joy are not a place, but a direction.  Interesting when the whole world is running towards the cliff, the one running the other direction appears foolish.

Don’t fear being outnumbered. Eagles fly alone, turkeys flock together. (Pro 3:6)

HSAY… Todd


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