“I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness (Humble) and meekness (Gentle), with longsuffering (Patience), forbearing one another in love.” Eph 4:1-2
Paul is stating each of us have an individual calling in Christ, and entreats us to live according to this vision God calls us to. There is often a struggle as to, How? This is what Paul is addressing in (vss 2-3) and in doing so list five specific characteristics we must acknowledge and perfect in order to carry the oneness/unity of spirit we’re called to. Paul says how we must conduct ourselves with other believers: Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Suffering and Enduring. As we walk and live out this manner in our lives we also embody the characteristics of Christ, and make it easier for others to walk with us in his cause. Needless to say the antonyms for these traits bring about division, offensive words and unforgiving attitudes then develop within the spirit. If our actions in being a spouse, parent, friend, leader don’t characterise these traits we must be prompt to rempent our mind to change or spiritual demise is quick to set in. Know this, if we can’t embody this relationship of humility, patience, endurance with Christ we’ll never embody them with others. Maturity in the Christian life is measured only by one test: How much closer to his character have we become?
Don’t treat people the way they treat you; rather treat them as Christ treats you!
HSAY… Todd
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